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WooCommerce Combo Offers Free Plugin (2024)

WooCommerce Combo Offers

In this article, our goal is to offer comprehensive guidance on utilizing WooCommerce Combo Offers (Free Plugin) the feature to its fullest potential. We’ll walk you through the process step-by-step, from setting up your combo offers to implementing effective marketing strategies. Whether you’re a beginner looking to increase sales or a seasoned e-commerce veteran seeking to optimize your offerings, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed with WooCommerce combo offers.

What is WooCommerce combo offers?

WooCommerce combo offers harness the dynamic strategy of bundling multiple products or services into irresistible deals, designed to captivate customers and drive sales. This feature empowers online store owners using the WooCommerce platform to craft compelling incentives, such as exclusive discounts or special pricing, when customers purchase specific combinations of items. For instance, imagine enticing “buy one, get one free” promotions on related products or bundled packages of complementary items offered at a discounted rate. By tapping into the potential of WooCommerce combo offers, merchants can supercharge their sales, inspire larger transactions, swiftly clear inventory, and elevate the shopping journey for their valued clientele.

Benefits of Using Combo Offers

  1. Increased Sales: Combo offers entice customers to purchase multiple items, boosting overall sales volume.
  2. Enhanced Value Perception: Bundling products together creates a perception of greater value for customers, making your offers more appealing and irresistible.
  3. Cost Savings: Combo offers usually come at a discounted price compared to purchasing each item individually. This cost savings is attractive to consumers who perceive greater value in getting multiple items for a lower overall price.
  4. Convenience: Buying multiple items together saves consumers time and effort compared to purchasing each item separately. It simplifies the shopping process and reduces the need to search for individual products.
  5. Customer Satisfaction: Combo offers offer customers more options and flexibility in purchasing decisions. They can choose from different combinations of products or services that best suit their needs, leading to greater satisfaction with their purchase.
  6. Competitive Advantage: Offering attractive combo deals can differentiate a business from its competitors and attract customers looking for the best value for their money. It can also help build customer loyalty by providing added benefits and savings.
  7. Promotional Opportunities: Combo offers can be used as part of promotional campaigns to attract attention and generate buzz around specific products or services. They provide businesses with a flexible marketing tool to drive sales and increase brand visibility.
  8. Seasonal Promotions: Combo offers can be tailored to seasonal trends or occasions, such as holidays, festivals, or special events. Businesses can create themed bundles that appeal to seasonal demand and capitalize on consumer spending patterns during specific times of the year.
  9. Brand Awareness and Exposure: Offering combo deals can help increase brand awareness and exposure. When customers see enticing bundle offers, they become more familiar with the brand and its range of products or services, potentially leading to future purchases.

Video Tuorial

How to Create WooCommerce Combo Offers

Harnessing the power of the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce, we seamlessly concoct captivating combo offers within our WooCommerce platform. This invaluable tool empowers us with the effortless creation of bundled deals, streamlining the process for an enhanced shopping experience and heightened sales potential. therefore In the below section, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of installing and creating combo offers in WooCommerce:

Step 1: Installing Product Bundle Free Plugin

To install the Product Bundle Builder for the WooCommerce plugin, follow the below steps:

WooCommerce Combo Offers (Free Plugin)

Step 2: Create Simple Combo Offers in WooCommerce

To create WooCommerce combo offers, follow the below steps:

1. Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.

2. Click on “Add New” to create a new product.

3. Set a name for the combo offer.

4. Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your combo offer.

5. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

6. After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

7. Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.

WooCommerce Combo Offers (Free Plugin)-Create Simple Combo Offers in WooCommerce

Step 3: Add items to Combo offers in WooCommerce

8. Now in the “Products” field Search and select the product you want, you can also set the default product for this item in the default product field.

  • Likewise, if you would like to include products from a category, you can do it with the “Categories” field of the item. therefore you can search for categories and add them to the “Categories” field. (PRO VERSION)
  • in addition, you can do the same for the product tags and include them in the “Tags” field. (PRO VERSION)

You can also add the following settings to your products :

  • Sort products: With this field, you can sort selected combo products by “ID”, “Title”, “Menu order”,” Date”, “Price”, “popularity” and“Rating”.
  • Quantity: In this field, you can set the default quantity for each combo product.
  • Edit quantity by user: Check this field to allow the user to change the quantity of a combo product and Set the “min/max quantity” for each item.
  • Discount: In this field, you can set discount for the combo products by percentage, price or fixed price.
Add items to Combo offers in WooCommerce

9. Then you can click on “Add Bundle” to add a new item to the combo offer and Configure it as in the previous steps. We have created three bundle items like the below image.

Combo offers in WooCommerce

Step 4: Pricing for WooCommerce Combo offers

After adding products you can choose how want to price your combo product.

The Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles free plugin offers two pricing strategies:

  1. Fixed Price: Sets a fixed price for the whole combo offer.
  2. Auto Calculate Bundle Price: Allow the plugin to calculate the combo offer price using the selected products for the bundle items.

1. Fixed Price

If you want to set a fixed price for the whole combo offer product, check the “Fixed Price” option.

Fixed Price for WooCommerce Combo offers

Navigate to the “General” tab and set a regular price for the Product. You can set a Sale price too.

Fixed Price for WooCommerce Combo offers

After setting a price, update the product

2. Auto Calculate Price

Auto calculates price helps to set a dynamic price for the combo offer on selected items for the bundle.

Therefore to use the auto-calculate price feature, uncheck the “Fixed Price” option and update the product.

Step 5: Position of Combo Offers

You can set a position for the Combo offers on the product page by following the below steps.

  • Navigate to the “Product Bundles” menu page in WordPress admin.
  • In the settings tab, there is a “Bundle position” option to change the bundle position on the product page.
  • You can select the appropriate position from the available options like “before add to cart button”, “after add to cart button”, etc.
  • Also, there are options to show the product bundle before or after a CSS selector.
  • After selecting “before” or “after” CSS selector, find a CSS selector on the product page and put it in the “CSS Selector” field.
  • Save the settings, after selecting a position for the bundle.
Position of Combo Offer

In the case, that none of the listed positions helps, you can use the below shortcodes of the plugin.

  • Use it on the product page to show the bundles.
  • Use it on the product page to show the bundles + add to cart button.

After creating and publishing the combo offer, open the product page on the front end.
As a result, After selecting a product, for all of the bundle items the WooCommerce combo offer will be shown as the image below.

Final Result

WooCommerce Combo Offers (Free Plugin)

When the user clicks on each bundle item, he can select the desired product from multiple available products like in the below image.

Final result of Combo offers in WooCommerce

How to create combo offers with discount

Creating combo offers with discounts provides a myriad of benefits for businesses and customers alike. Not only do these promotions boost sales volumes by enticing customers to purchase multiple items at once, but they also facilitate inventory clearance by bundling slower-moving products with more popular ones. Customers appreciate the added value and savings, resulting in increased satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, these offers enable cross-promotion of related items, enhancing product visibility and potentially attracting new customers. With the potential for higher average order values and a competitive edge in the market, combo offers with discounts serve as effective marketing tools that drive sales while benefiting both businesses and consumers. So follow the steps below to create a combined offer with a discount

Step 1: Create combo offers with discount

1. Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.

2. Click on “Add New” to create a new product.

3. Set a name for the combo offer.

4. Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your combo offer.

5. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

6. After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

7. Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.

How to create combo offers with discount

Step 2: Add items to combo offers with discount

8. Now if you have the pro version of Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles in the “Categories” field of the bundle item search for a category and select it. otherwise in the “Products” field of the bundle item search for a product and select it.

You can also add the following settings to your products :

  • Sort products: With this field, you can sort selected products by “ID”, “Title”, “Menu order”,” Date”, “Price”, “popularity” and“Rating”.
  • Quantity: In this field, you can set the default quantity for each bundled product item.
  • Edit quantity by user: Check this field to allow the user to change the quantity of a product and Set the “min/max quantity” for each item.

9. Now In the discount field, set the discount for the combo products by percentage, price or fixed price.

10. Then you can click on “Add Bundle” button to add a new item to the combo offer with discount and Configure it as in the previous steps. We have created two other bundle items with discounts.

11. After making the desired settings, at the end publish the changes.

Final Result

After creating and publishing the combo offer with discount, open the product page on the front end.
As a result, After selecting a product, for all of the bundle items the WooCommerce combo offer with discount will be shown as the image below.

Final result of combo offers with discount

How to create WooCommerce combo offers with a fixed price

A combo offer with a fixed price is a marketing strategy businesses use to attract customers by bundling several products or services together and selling them at a set price. This type of offer typically provides better customer value than purchasing each item individually, So follow the steps below to create the WooCommerce combo offers with a fixed price:

Step 1: Create combo offers with a fixed price

1. Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.

2. Click on “Add New” to create a new product.

3. Set a name for the combo offer.

4. Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your combo offer.

5. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

6. After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

7. Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.

How to create combo offers with a fixed price

Step 2: Add item to combo offers with a fixed price

8. Now in the “default product” search for a product and select it as the default product for this item.

  • Likewise, if you would like to include products from a category, you can do it with the “Categories” field of the item. therefore you can search for categories and add them to the “Categories” field. (PRO VERSION)
  • in addition, you can do the same for the product tags and include them in the “Tags” field. (PRO VERSION)

You can also add the following settings to your products :

  • Sort products: With this field, you can sort selected combo products by “ID”, “Title”, “Menu order”,” Date”, “Price”, “popularity” and“Rating”.
  • Quantity: In this field, you can set the default quantity for each combo product.
  • Edit quantity by user: Check this field to allow the user to change the quantity of a combo product and Set the “min/max quantity” for each item.
  • Discount: In this field, you can set discount for the combo products by percentage, price or fixed price.
Create product bundle

9. Then you can click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new item to the combo offer with a fixed price and Configure it as in the previous steps. We have created one other bundle item.

Step 3: Set fixed price to combo offers with a fixed price

10. Now to set fixed for the whole combo offer navigate top of the page and check the “Fixed Price” option.

Set fixed price combo offers

11. Navigate to the “General” tab and set a regular price for the Product. You can set a Sale price too.

set fixed price

12. At the end publish the changes.

Final Result

After creating and publishing the combo offer with a fixed price, open the product page on the front end. the WooCommerce combo offer with a fixed price will be shown as the image below.

Final result of combo offers with a fixed price in WooCommerce

How to create WooCommerce combo offers BOGO deal

A BOGO (Buy One, Get One) deal is a popular type of promotional offer used by businesses to attract customers and boost sales.BOGO deal is used in two ways: 1) Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO Free), 2)Buy One, Get One at a Discount (BOGO Half-Off), In this tutorial, we use the first method (Buy One, Get One Free) So follow the steps below to create this method:

Step 1: Create WooCommerce combo offers BOGO deal

1. Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.

2. Click on “Add New” to create a new product.

3. Set a name for the combo offer.

4. Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your combo offer.

5. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

6. After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

7. Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.

Create BOGO deal

Step 2: Add item to WooCommerce combo offers BOGO deal

8. Now in the “product” field search for product and select it.

  • Likewise, if you would like to include products from a category, you can do it with the “Categories” field of the item. therefore you can search for categories and add them to the “Categories” field. (PRO VERSION)
  • in addition, you can do the same for the product tags and include them in the “Tags” field. (PRO VERSION)

You can also add the following settings to your products :

  • Sort products: With this field, you can sort selected combo products by “ID”, “Title”, “Menu order”,” Date”, “Price”, “popularity” and“Rating”.
  • Quantity: In this field, you can set the default quantity for each combo product.
  • Edit quantity by user: Check this field to allow the user to change the quantity of a combo product and Set the “min/max quantity” for each item.

9. Then you can click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item for the gift product.

Create BOGO deal

10. Now in the “product” field search for the gift product and select it.

11. in the “discount” field Select “Percentage” as the discount type and set “100” as the value of the discount. The gift products will be free.

Create buy one get one for free

12. After making the desired settings, at the end publish the changes.

Final Result

After creating and publishing the combo offer BOGO deal, open the product page on the front end. the WooCommerce combo offer BOGO deal will be shown as the image below.

Final result of combo offers-BOGO deal

How to create Optional Combo Offers

Optional Combo Offers in WooCommerce allow store owners to create special promotions where customers can purchase multiple products together at a discounted rate. These offers can greatly increase average order value, clear out inventory, or introduce new products. So if you have the pro version of Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles follow the steps below to create the WooCommerce optional combo offers:

Step 1: Create Optional Combo Offers

1. Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.

2. Click on “Add New” to create a new product.

3. Set a name for the combo offer.

4. Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your combo offer.

5. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

6. After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

7. Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.

How to create Optional products

Step 2: Add item to Optional Combo Offers

8.  in the “Categories” field search for a category and select it.

You can also add the following settings to your products :

  • Sort products: With this field, you can sort selected combo products by “ID”, “Title”, “Menu order”,” Date”, “Price”, “popularity” and“Rating”.
  • Quantity: In this field, you can set the default quantity for each combo product.
  • Edit quantity by user: Check this field to allow the user to change the quantity of a combo product and Set the “min/max quantity” for each item.
  • Discount: In this field, you can set discount for the combo products by percentage, price or fixed price.

9. Then click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new item to the optional combo offer.

10. Check the “optional” field to make this bundle item optional.

11. And in the “Categories” field search for a category and select it.

12. Then click on the “Add Bundle” button to add another new item to the optional combo offer.

Create Optional products

12. And we set the third item as the second item.

13. After making the desired settings, at the end publish the changes.

Final Result

After creating and publishing the WooCommerce optional combo offer, open the product page on the front end. the WooCommerce optional combo offer will be shown as the image below.

Optional Combo Offers


The plugin has the below shortcodes and you can use them:

  • [asnp_wepb_product] Use it on the product page to show the bundles.
  • [asnp_wepb_product show_add_to_cart="1"] Use it on the product page to show the bundles + add to cart button.

Other Articles

To delve deeper into the realm of the Product Bundle plugin and its applications, we invite you to explore the array of informative resources we’ve compiled in the list below, Furthermore, these resources promise to expand your understanding and proficiency in leveraging the full potential of this plugin:

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WooCommerce Bundled Products

WooCommerce Bundled products involve smartly assembling different items or services into an attractive package, usually offered at a lower price, This clever marketing strategy aims to greatly increase customer value by providing significant cost savings and unmatched convenience Notably, customers see bundled offerings as much more economical and practical than buying each item separately.

Businesses strategically use bundled products for lively promotions, making the most of cross-selling opportunities, and managing inventory wisely, This approach helps optimize sales and makes customers happier by offering a seamless and improved shopping experience, especially when combining items that go well together.

In essence, bundled products have a big impact, acting as a strategic force to boost sales, handle inventory effectively, and give customers a clear and valuable advantage.

What is WooCommerce Bundled Products plugin?

Undoubtedly, the WooCommerce Bundled Products plugin is the ultimate tool for your WooCommerce store. This groundbreaking solution empowers store owners to curate unbeatable deals by seamlessly combining multiple products, providing customers with amazing value and unparalleled savings. Moreover, with the WooCommerce Bundled Products plugin, you can effortlessly elevate your cross-selling strategies and witness a remarkable surge in your online sales.

Furthermore, this plugin is meticulously crafted for search engines, enhancing your site’s ranking and ensuring a high conversion rate. In essence, don’t settle for anything less – seize the opportunity to unlock the full power of bundling with WooCommerce Bundled Products today.

Benefits of using the WooCommerce Bundled Products plugin

Here are some potential benefits of using a WooCommerce Bundled Products plugin:

  1. Boosted Sales:
    • Offering bundled products acts like a magnet for customers, drawing them in with irresistible discounts when they choose the all-in-one package, sparking a significant increase in their buying momentum.
  2. Marketing Powerhouse:
    • Strengthen your marketing efforts with the strategic impact of bundled promotions—a powerful tool that captures attention and drives sales during special occasions, holidays, or high-impact clearance events.
  3. Enhanced Customer Value:
    • Elevate the perceived value for customers through carefully crafted bundles, instilling the belief that they’re not just making a purchase but securing an exceptional deal by bundling multiple items together.
  4. Simplified Shopping Experience:
    • Enjoy the height of convenience as bundled products redefine the shopping journey, offering customers a streamlined experience by presenting related items in a singular, effortlessly navigable package.
  5. Cross-Selling Opportunities:
    • Craft bundles that include complementary products, opening doors for cross-selling and encouraging customers to explore additional items.
  6. Precise Inventory Management:
    • Take control of your inventory with precision as the plugin introduces features tailored for effective stock management, ensuring a delicate balance for both bundled products and individual items in your product lineup.
  7. Flexible Customization for Everyone:
    • Embrace a tailored experience with plugins that provide unmatched flexibility, empowering customers to personalize their bundles, configuring specific items to match their unique preferences.

Unlocking Strategic Advantages: The Power of Bundled Products in Elevating Business Success

Leveraging bundled products unlocks a range of additional benefits that can profoundly elevate your overall business strategy. These advantages encompass heightened customer engagement, enhanced brand loyalty, and the prospect of broadening your market reach. Moreover, by exploring the versatility of bundled offerings, you can create opportunities for inventive promotions, fostering a dynamic and engaging shopping experience. Furthermore, strategically integrating bundled products can optimize inventory turnover, mitigating issues of overstock or understock. In essence, embracing bundled products proves to be a multifaceted enhancement for your business

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How to Create Bundled Products in WooCommerce

Creating Bundled Products in WooCommerce is a straightforward process. First, you’ll need to install the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce and configure the settings to suit your needs. therefore In the below section, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of installing and creating bundled products in WooCommerce:

Step 1: Installing Bundled Products Free Plugin

To install the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce plugin, follow the below steps.

instal WooCommerce Bundled Products plugin

Step 2: Create Bundled Products in WooCommerce

To create Bundled Products, follow the below steps:

1. Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.

2. Click on “Add New” to create a new product.

3. Set a name for the Bundled Products.

4. Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your Bundled Products.

5. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

6. After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

7. Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.

Create WooCommerce bundled products

Step 3: Add items to Bundled Products in WooCommerce

8. Now in the “Products” field Search and select the product you want, you can also set the default product for this item by checking the “Use Default Product” field and selecting the default product.

  • Likewise, if you would like to include products from a category, you can do it with the “Categories” field of the item. therefore you can search for categories and add them to the “Categories” field. (pro version)
  • in addition, you can do the same for the product tags and include them in the “Tags” field. (pro version)

You can also add the following settings to your products :

  • Sort products: With this field, you can sort selected products by “ID”, “Title”, “Menu order”,” Date”, “Price”, “popularity” and“Rating”.
  • Quantity: In this field, you can set the default quantity for each bundled product item.
  • Edit quantity by user: Check this field to allow the user to change the quantity of a product and Set the “min/max quantity” for each item.
  • Discount: In this field, you can set discount for the bundled products by percentage, price or fixed price.
WooCommerce bundled products settings

9. Then you can click on “Add Bundle” to add a new item to the bundle and Configure it as in the previous steps. We have created three bundle items like the below image.


Step 4: Pricing for WooCommerce Bundled Products

After adding products you can choose how want to price your bundled products.

The Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce free plugin offers two pricing strategies:

  1. Fixed Price: Sets a fixed price for the whole Bundled Products
  2. Auto Calculate Bundle Price: Allow the plugin to calculate the Bundled Products price using the selected products for the bundle items.

1. Fixed Price

If you would like to set a fixed price for the whole bundle product, then check the “Fixed Price” option.

Navigate to the “General” tab and set a regular price for the Product. You can set a Sale price too.

After setting a price, update the product.

products fixed price of WooCommerce Bundled Products

2. Auto Calculate Price

Auto calculates price helps to set a dynamic price for the bundled products based on selected items for the bundle.

Therefore to use the auto-calculate price feature, uncheck the “Fixed Price” option and update the product.

Step 5: Position of Bundled Products

You can set a position for the bundled products on the product page by following the below steps.

  • Navigate to the “Product Bundles” menu page in WordPress admin.
  • In the settings tab, there is a “Bundle position” option to change the bundle position on the product page.
  • You can select the appropriate position from the available options like “before add to cart button”, “after add to cart button”, etc.
  • Also, there are options to show the product bundle before or after a CSS selector.
  • After selecting “before” or “after” CSS selector, find a CSS selector on the product page and put it in the “CSS Selector” field.
  • Save the settings, after selecting a position for the bundle.
Position of WooCommerce Bundled Products

In the case, none of the listed positions helps, you can use the below shortcodes of the plugin.

  • Use it on the product page to show the bundles.
  • Use it on the product page to show the bundles + add to cart button.

Final Result

After creating and publishing the product bundle, open the product page on the front end.
As a result, After selecting a product, for all of the bundle items the WooCommerce Bundled Products will be shown as the image below.

final result of WooCommerce Bundled Products

When the user clicks on each bundle item, he can select the desired product from multiple available products like in the below image.

multiple available products in WooCommerce Bundled Products

How to Create WooCommerce Bundled Products with Variable Products

Creating WooCommerce Bundled Products with Variable Products offers significant advantages for both sellers and customers. For sellers, it enhances sales potential by promoting the purchase of multiple items together, often at a discounted rate, thus increasing the average order value. It also simplifies inventory management by grouping related products, making it easier to track and manage stock. For customers, it provides convenience and value, allowing them to purchase complementary or customizable items in a single package tailored to their needs. Additionally, it enhances the shopping experience by offering curated options, which can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. Overall, this strategy can drive higher conversion rates and foster a more engaging shopping environment therefore If you want To include variable products in the bundle items follow the below steps:

Step1: Create Variable Products Bundle

1. Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.

2. Click on “Add New” to create a new product.

3. Set a name for the variable product bundle.

4. Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your variable product bundle.

5. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

6. After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.

7. Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.

Create variable product bundle

Step 2: Add items to Variable products bundle

8. Now in the “Products” field of the bundle item search for a variable product and select it.

  • Likewise, if you would like to include variable products from a category, you can do it with the “Categories” field of the item. therefore you can search for categories and add them to the “Categories” field. (pro version)
  • in addition, you can do the same for the variable product tags and include them in the “Tags” field. (pro version)

You can also add the following settings to your products :

  • Sort products: With this field, you can sort selected products by “ID”, “Title”, “Menu order”,” Date”, “Price”, “popularity” and“Rating”.
  • Quantity: In this field, you can set the default quantity for each variable product bundle item.
  • Edit quantity by user: Check this field to allow the user to change the quantity of a product and Set the “min/max quantity” for each item.
  • Discount: In this field, you can set discount for the variable bundled products by percentage, price or fixed price.

9. Then you can click on “Add Bundle” to add a new item to the bundle and Configure it as in the previous steps. We have created two bundle items like the previous step.

Add item to variable bundle

Step 3: Pricing for Variable product bundle

Now you should decide about the pricing of the variable product bundle therefore You can use a fixed price for the whole bundle or use auto calculate price, to calculate the bundle price based on selected items.

Read this section of the article for more information.

Step 4: Position of Variable Product Bundle

You can set the bundled products position on the product page with the “Bundle Position” option in the plugin settings, therefore For more information Read this section of the article.

Final Result

After creating and publishing the variable product bundle, open the product page on the front end.
As a result, After selecting a product, for all of the bundle items the WooCommerce Bundled Products will be shown as the image below.

Final result of varible product bundle

When the user clicks on each bundle item, he can select the desired product from multiple available variations like in the below image.

multiple available variations

How to Create Flexible Optional Product Bundles

Flexible optional product bundles provide a personalized shopping experience for customers, allowing them to customize combinations of products or services based on their preferences, Consequently, this not only enhances customer satisfaction but also encourages higher spending through cost savings and upselling opportunities. As a result, businesses benefit from increased revenue, improved customer loyalty, and a dynamic marketing tool to respond to market trends effectively.

If you are using the pro version of the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce To create flexible optional Product bundles, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Create Flexible Optional Product bundles

1. Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.

2. Click on “Add New” to create a new product.

3. Set a name for the optional product bundles.

4. Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your optional product bundles.

5. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

6. Set the selling price for your parent product.

7. Now navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab.

8. Check “Include parent price” so that the price of the parent product is applied to the product bundle.

9. Click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.

Create flexible optional bundled products

Step 2: Add items to Flexible Optional Product bundles

10. Now check the “Optional” field to make this bundle item optional.

11. Now check the “Use Default Product” field and select the default product for this item.

12. In the “Categories” field search for a category and select it.

You can also add the following settings to your products :

  • Sort products: With this field, you can sort selected products by “ID”, “Title”, “Menu order”,” Date”, “Price”, “popularity” and“Rating”.
  • Quantity: In this field, you can set the default quantity for each variable product bundle item.
  • Edit quantity by user: Check this field to allow the user to change the quantity of a product and Set the “min/max quantity” for each item.
  • Discount: In this field, you can set discount for the variable bundled products by percentage, price or fixed price.
congigurate optional bundled product

13. Then you can click on “Add Bundle” to add a new item to the bundle and Configure it as in the previous steps. We created another bundle item.

Step 3: Pricing for Flexible Optional Product Bundles

Now you should decide about the pricing of the Flexible Optional Product Bundles. therefore You can use a fixed price for the whole bundle or use auto calculate price, to calculate the bundle price based on selected items.

Read this section of the article for more information.

Step 4: Position of Flexible Optional Product Bundles

You can set the bundled products position on the product page with the “Bundle Position” option in the plugin settings. therefore Read this section of the article for more information.

After creating and publishing the flexible optional product bundles, open the product page on the front end.
The WooCommerce Flexible Optional Product bundles will be shown as the image below.

Final Result

By clicking on the add to cart, the customer adds 1 parent product + 2 or 1 selected product to the cart

And when the customer removes the selected products, she/he can buy only the parent product.

Implementing this exceptional strategy not only enhances the shopping experience and ease of shopping for customers but also boosts sales of related products, leading to increased revenue for your business.

Bundled products Plugin


The plugin has the below shortcodes and you can use them:

  • [asnp_wepb_product] Use it on the product page to show the bundles.
  • [asnp_wepb_product show_add_to_cart="1"] Use it on the product page to show the bundles + add to cart button.


To delve deeper into the realm of the Product Bundle plugin and its applications, we invite you to explore the array of informative resources we’ve compiled in the list below, Furthermore, these resources promise to expand your understanding and proficiency in leveraging the full potential of this plugin:


Can I offer discounts on product bundles in WooCommerce?

Yes, you can set “price, percentage, and fixed price” discount on each bundle item. Or you can set a sale price for the whole product bundle in WooCommerce.

Can I customize the appearance of my product bundles in WooCommerce?

Yes, you can choose a theme and size for product bundles in WooCommerce. There are gird and list themes available with “small, medium and large” sizes. Also, you can change colors of the product bundle.

How do I manage inventory for product bundles in WooCommerce?

To manage inventory for product bundles in WooCommerce, open the product in admin and navigate to the inventory tab. Then enable the Stock management and set the Quantity. Also, the product bundle builder plugin automatically manages the bundle items stock availablability.

Can I offer different variations of a product bundle in WooCommerce?

Yes, you can offer dynamic and flexible product bundles in WooCommerce using the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce.

How do I set up shipping for product bundles in WooCommerce?

You can manage shipping fee in product bundles based on “bundle items” or “whole bundle”. To do this, Navigate to the “Product Bundle” tab on product edit page the choose “bundle items” or “whole bundle” for the shipping fee field.

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WooCommerce Product Bundle: How to Create Dynamic and Flexible Bundles

WooCommerce, with its vast array of features and plugins, has revolutionized the way online businesses operate. One of its most significant contributions is the ability to create dynamic and flexible product bundles. Gone are the days of traditional bundling methods, where customers were limited to fixed packages. With WooCommerce Product Bundle Builder plugin, businesses can now craft bundles that cater to individual preferences and offer personalized shopping experiences. In this article, we will explore the art of creating flexible bundles, the advantages they bring to businesses and customers alike, and delve into the dynamics of WooCommerce bundles.

Table of Contents

Unleashing the Power of WooCommerce Product Bundles

In the highly competitive world of eCommerce, finding new and innovative strategies to attract customers and boost sales is essential. One such strategy that has gained popularity is the use of product bundles. By combining multiple products into a single package, businesses can offer unique and enticing deals to their customers. WooCommerce, one of the leading eCommerce platforms, provides a powerful tool called Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce that allows businesses to create dynamic and flexible bundles. In this article, we will explore the various ways businesses can leverage this tool to create memorable shopping experiences and maximize profitability.

Innovative Strategies for Creating Unique Product Bundles

When it comes to creating product bundles, businesses need to think outside the box and come up with innovative strategies to stand out from the competition. Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce offers a range of options to help businesses create unique bundles that captivate customers. From bundling related products together to offering customizable options, businesses can experiment with different combinations to find the perfect bundle that meets the needs and desires of their target audience. By thinking creatively and exploring unconventional options, businesses can create bundles that not only boost sales but also leave a lasting impression on customers.

Benefits of Creating Product Bundles in WooCommerce

Creating product bundles in WooCommerce can offer several benefits to both customers and businesses. For customers, product bundles provide a convenient way to purchase multiple related items at once, saving time and effort. Bundles also often come at a discounted price compared to buying individual products separately, offering customers a cost-effective solution. Additionally, bundles can enhance the customer’s shopping experience by suggesting complementary items that they may not have considered otherwise. For businesses, product bundling can drive sales and increase average order value. By grouping products together, businesses can strategically promote certain items and increase their visibility. Bundles also allow businesses to clear out excess inventory or promote slow-selling items by pairing them with more popular products. Overall, creating product bundles in WooCommerce can be a win-win situation for both customers and businesses, providing convenience, savings, and opportunities for increased sales.

Taking eCommerce to the Next Level with Dynamic Bundles

Traditional product bundling methods often involve fixed bundles that offer little flexibility for customers. However, WooCommerce Product Bundles take eCommerce to the next level by allowing businesses to create dynamic bundles. With dynamic bundles, businesses can offer customers the freedom to choose from a selection of products, creating a personalized bundle that suits their specific needs. This level of customization not only enhances the shopping experience but also increases customer satisfaction and loyalty. By giving customers the power to create their own bundles, businesses can tap into the growing demand for personalized and unique shopping experiences, setting themselves apart from their competitors.

Maximizing Profitability with Dynamic and Flexible Bundles

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving eCommerce landscape, businesses need to adapt and find new ways to drive sales and maximize profitability. WooCommerce Product Bundles provides businesses with a powerful tool to create dynamic and flexible bundles that captivate customers and boost sales. By utilizing innovative strategies, businesses can create unique bundles that stand out from the competition and offer customers a personalized shopping experience. With the ability to create customizable bundles, businesses can tap into the growing demand for personalized products and experiences, ensuring long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty. With WooCommerce Product Bundles, the possibilities are endless, and businesses can truly unleash the power of bundling to take their eCommerce game to new heights.

Breaking Free from Traditional Product Bundling Methods

Traditional product bundling methods were often rigid and lacked the flexibility required to meet the diverse needs of customers. With WooCommerce, businesses can break free from these limitations. By offering dynamic bundles, businesses can give customers the freedom to select from a wide range of products and create their own personalized bundles. This flexibility allows customers to choose products that align with their tastes, which in turn increases customer satisfaction and encourages repeat purchases.

The Art of Crafting Flexible and Irresistible Bundles

Crafting flexible and irresistible bundles is an art that businesses can master with WooCommerce. Instead of offering pre-determined packages, businesses can use WooCommerce to create bundles that cater to different price points and customer preferences. For example, a clothing store can offer a bundle where customers can select any three items from a range of tops, bottoms, and accessories. This not only encourages customers to explore more products but also increases the chances of upselling and cross-selling.

Boosting Sales and Customer Satisfaction with WooCommerce

WooCommerce product bundles provide a win-win situation for both businesses and customers. By offering flexible bundles, businesses can boost their sales and revenue. Customers are more likely to make a purchase when they have the freedom to customize their bundles, leading to higher conversion rates. Additionally, the ability to create customized bundles allows businesses to tap into niche markets and cater to specific customer segments. This personalized approach enhances customer satisfaction, leading to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Creating Memorable Shopping Experiences with WooCommerce

Creating memorable shopping experiences with product bundles is a powerful strategy that can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By combining complementary products or services into a cohesive bundle, retailers can offer customers a convenient and value-packed shopping experience. These bundles can cater to specific customer needs or preferences, helping them save time and effort in selecting individual items. Moreover, product bundles can also introduce customers to new products or encourage them to try different variations, expanding their product knowledge and increasing their engagement with the brand. Overall, by providing unique and tailored shopping experiences through product bundles, retailers can leave a lasting impression on customers, fostering long-term relationships and driving repeat business.

A Closer Look at the Dynamics of WooCommerce Bundles

WooCommerce Bundles provide a versatile solution for businesses looking to sell products with added value or convenience. Taking a closer look at the dynamics of WooCommerce Bundles reveals how this feature enhances the customer experience and boosts sales. By allowing customers to purchase multiple related products as a bundle, businesses can offer discounts, create curated packages, and encourage upselling. This not only increases the average order value but also improves customer satisfaction by simplifying the purchasing process. Additionally, WooCommerce Bundles provide businesses with the flexibility to customize bundle configurations, pricing, and promotions, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of their target audience. Overall, the dynamics of WooCommerce Bundles contribute to a seamless and engaging shopping experience, resulting in higher conversions and customer loyalty.

How to Create Dynamic Product Bundles in WooCommerce

To create a dynamic product bundle in WooCommerce, we will use the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce plugin.

With the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce, you can create bundles with products, categories, and tags. Also, you can apply a discount or pricing on each item.

Video Tutorial

1. Creating Dynamic Bundles with Products

The first way of offering dynamic product bundles in WooCommerce is to use products for each bundle item. The user can select a product from multiple available products for each bundle item.

Step 1: Creating a Product in WooCommerce

Follow the below steps to add a new product bundle in WooCommerce.

  • Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.
  • Click on “Add New” to create a new product.
  • Set a name for the WooCommerce product bundle .
  • Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your product bundle.
  • Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.
  • After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.
  • Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.
Creating Dynamic Bundles with Products

Step 2: Adding Bundle Items

Now you should add as many bundle items that you want to the product bundle, and then configure them by following the below steps.

  • You can set a “Default Product” for the bundle item by selecting “Use default product” and setting a product to the “Default product” field.
  • In the “Products” field, you can include as many products as you want. Including more products gives more flexibility and user can choose a desired product from the available ones.
  • Use the “Quantity” field to set the default quantity of this item.
  • If the quantity is editable by the user then select “Edit quantity by user” and set the “Min/Max” quantity fields.
  • With the “Discount” field you can set a “Percentage, Price, Fixed Price” discount on the selected product.
Adding Bundle Items

Repeat Step 2, to add as many items as you want to the bundle and configure them.

Step 3: Price of Product Bundle

The WooComerce Product Bundle plugin offers two pricing strategies.

  • A fixed price for the whole bundle product
  • Auto calculate the price based on selected products

Fixed Price

If you would like to set a fixed price for the whole bundle product, then check the “Fixed Price” option.

Set fixed price for product bundle in woocommerce

Navigate to the “General” tab and set a regular price for the Product. You can set a Sale price too.

After setting a price, update the product.

Set fixed price

Auto Calculate Price

Auto calculates price helps to set a dynamic price for the product bundle based on selected items for the bundle.

To use the auto-calculate price feature, uncheck the “Fixed Price” option and update the product.

Step 4: Position of Product Bundle

You can set a position for the product bundle on the product page by following the below steps.

  • Navigate to the “Product Bundles” menu page in WordPress admin.
  • In the settings tab, there is a “Bundle position” option to change the bundle position on the product page.
  • You can select the appropriate position from the available options like “before add to cart button”, “after add to cart button”, etc.
  • Also, there are options to show the product bundle before or after a CSS selector.
  • After selecting “before” or “after” CSS selector, find a CSS selector on the product page and put it in the “CSS Selector” field.
  • Save the settings, after selecting a position for the bundle.
Position of Product Bundle

In the case, none of the listed positions helps, you can use the below shortcodes of the plugin.

  • Use it on the product page to show the bundles.
  • Use it on the product page to show the bundles + add to cart button.

Step 5: Product Bundle Page

After creating and publishing the product bundle, open the product page on the front end.

When the user clicks on each bundle item, he can select the desired product from multiple available products like in the below image.

Product Bundle pop-up

Step 6: Add to Cart

After selecting a product, for all of the bundle items you can add it to the cart to see the result.

Final result of dynamic bundle

2. Creating WooCommerce Product Bundles with Categories

Creating dynamic product bundles with categories is a strategic approach to enhance customer experience and increase sales. By categorizing products into specific groups, businesses can create attractive bundles that offer customers a variety of options while maximizing profitability. This method allows for flexibility in creating personalized packages that cater to different customer preferences and needs. By offering bundled products from different categories, businesses can entice customers to explore new products and potentially increase their overall spending. Additionally, dynamic product bundles with categories can help businesses streamline their inventory management and pricing strategies, ensuring that each bundle remains profitable and cost-effective. Overall, this approach provides a win-win situation for both businesses and customers, as it enhances the shopping experience and drives sales.

Step 1: Add a Product

To create a dynamic product bundle in WooCommerce with categories, first, you should add a product and then select the “product bundle” as the type of product. Read this section of the article for more information.

Step 2: Add Categories as Bundle Items

Now you should add as many bundle items that you want to the product bundle, and then configure them by following the below steps.

  • You can set a “Default Product” for the bundle item by selecting “Use default product” and setting a product to the “Default product” field.
  • In the “Categories” field, you can include as many categories as you want.
  • Use the “Quantity” field to set the default quantity of this item.
  • If the quantity is editable by the user then select “Edit quantity by user” and set the “Min/Max” quantity fields.
  • With the “Discount” field you can set a “Percentage, Price, Fixed Price” discount on the selected product.
Add Categories as Bundle Items

Repeat Step 2, to add as many items as you want to the bundle and configure them.

Step 3: Pricing Product Bundle

Now you should decide about the pricing of the product bundle. You can use a fixed price for the whole bundle or use auto calculate price, to calculate the bundle price based on selected items.

Read this section of the article for more information.

Step 4: Position of Product Bundle

You can set the product bundle position on the product page with the “Bundle Position” option in the plugin settings.

Read this section of the article for more information.

Step 5: Add to Cart

After publishing the product bundle. Open the product page and select a product for each bundle item then add it to the cart.

How to Create Custom Bundles with Categories

3. Creating WooCommerce Product Bundles with Tags

WooCommerce Product Tags are a powerful tool that allows online store owners to categorize and organize their products effectively. These tags act as keywords or labels that describe the product’s characteristics, making it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. By assigning relevant tags to products, store owners can improve the search experience for customers and increase the chances of sales conversions. Additionally, WooCommerce Product Tags also enable store owners to create product collections or group similar products together, making it easier for customers to explore related items. Overall, WooCommerce Product Tags provide a practical and efficient way to manage and enhance the shopping experience on an online store platform.

To create a product bundle with tags follow the below steps.

Step 1: Add a Product

First, you should add a product in WooCommerce, and use “Product Bundle” as its type. Read this section for more information.

Step 2: Adding Bundle Items

Now you should add as many bundle items that you want to the product bundle, and then configure them by following the below steps.

  • You can set a “Default Product” for the bundle item by selecting “Use default product” and setting a product to the “Default product” field.
  • In the “Tags” field, you can include as many tags as you want. Including more tags, gives more flexibility.
  • Use the “Quantity” field to set the default quantity of this item.
  • If the quantity is editable by the user then select “Edit quantity by user” and set the “Min/Max” quantity fields.
  • With the “Discount” field you can set a “Percentage, Price, Fixed Price” discount on the selected product.
Product Bundles with Tags

Repeat Step 2, to add as many items as you want to the bundle and configure them.

Step 3: Pricing Product Bundle

Now you should decide about the pricing of the product bundle. You can use a fixed price for the whole bundle or use auto calculate price, to calculate the bundle price based on selected items.

Read this section of the article for more information.

Step 4: Position of Product Bundle

Set a position for the product bundle on the product page, by reading this section.

Step 5: Add to Cart

After publishing the product bundle. Open the product page and select a product for each bundle item then add it to the cart.

Creating WooCommerce Product Bundles with Tags

4. Creating Mix and Match Products in WooCommerce

Creating mix-and-match products in WooCommerce opens up a world of possibilities for businesses. With this feature, businesses can offer their customers the flexibility to customize and personalize their purchases. Whether it’s creating a custom gift box, designing a personalized bundle, or allowing customers to choose their preferred combination of products, the mix and match feature empowers businesses to cater to individual preferences. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also enables businesses to increase sales by offering unique and tailored options. By incorporating mix-and-match products in WooCommerce, businesses can stay ahead of the competition, meet customer expectations, and ultimately drive growth and customer loyalty.

To create a mix and match product in WooCommerce, we can include products, categories and tags in the bundle items.

This feature allows customers to create their own product box from a long list of available products.

Step 1: Add a Product

First, you should add a product in WooCommerce, and use “Product Bundle” as its type. Read this section for more information.

Step 2: Adding Bundle Items

  • You can set a “Default Product” for the bundle item by selecting “Use default product” and setting a product to the “Default product” field.
  • Use “Products, Categories, Tags” fields to offer multiple products for the item.
  • Use “Exclude products, Exclude categories, Exclude tags” to exclude products from the item.
  • In the “Tags” field, you can include as many tags as you want. Including more tags, gives more flexibility.
  • Use “Categories and Tags relation” for how to select products from categories and tags when both of them used.
  • Use the “Quantity” field to set the default quantity of this item.
  • If the quantity is editable by the user then select “Edit quantity by user” and set the “Min/Max” quantity fields.
  • With the “Discount” field you can set a “Percentage, Price, Fixed Price” discount on the selected product.
Mix and Match Products in WooCommerce

Repeat Step 2, to add as many items as you want to the bundle and configure them.

Step 3: Add Optional Items (Optional)

You can add some optional items to the bundle. Users don’t have to pick a product for optional items.

  • Add an item to the bundle.
  • Select the “Optional” field of the item.
  • You can set a “Default product” for the item. Users can remove the optional item’s product in the front end.
  • Add “Products, Categories or Tags” to configure the item.
Add optional items

Step 4: Pricing Product Bundle

Now you should decide about the pricing of the product bundle. You can use a fixed price for the whole bundle or use auto calculate price, to calculate the bundle price based on selected items.

Read this section of the article for more information.

Step 5: Position of Product Bundle

Set a position for the product bundle on the product page, by reading this section.

Step 6: Product page

Open the product page to check how you configured the mix and match product bundle in WooCommerce.

As you can see in the below image, we added an optional item to the bundle, and the user can pick a product for it or leave it empty.

WooCommerce product bundle

After selecting a product for each bundle item, add it to the cart to see the result.


The plugin has the below shortcodes and you can use them:

  • [asnp_wepb_product] Use it on the product page to show the bundles.
  • [asnp_wepb_product show_add_to_cart="1"] Use it on the product page to show the bundles + add to cart button.


In conclusion, WooCommerce product bundles have revolutionized the way businesses operate online. By breaking free from traditional bundling methods and offering dynamic bundles, businesses can provide personalized shopping experiences that meet the diverse needs of customers. The flexibility and customization options that WooCommerce offers not only boost sales and revenue but also enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, mastering the art of creating flexible and engaging product bundles is essential for businesses to stay ahead of the competition and create memorable shopping experiences for their customers.

Hence, my aspiration is that this article has empowered you to arrive at an optimal decision for your store site. To delve deeper into the realm of Product Bundle plugins and their applications, I invite you to explore the array of informative resources I’ve compiled in the list below. These resources promise to expand your understanding and proficiency in leveraging the potential of these plugins to the fullest:


What is WooCommerce Product Bundles?

A WooCommerce product bundle is a collection of multiple products that are sold together as one package. It allows online store owners to create appealing bundles for customers to buy multiple related products at once. The bundle can include products from different categories or variations. By offering bundled products at a discounted price, merchants can simplify the purchasing process, encourage higher sales, and improve customer satisfaction.

How do I create a product bundle in WooCommerce?

You can use Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce to create simple to advanced product bundles in WooCommerce.

Can I offer discounts on product bundles in WooCommerce?

Yes, you can set “price, percentage, and fixed price” discount on each bundle item. Or you can set a sale price for the whole product bundle in WooCommerce.

Can I customize the appearance of my product bundles in WooCommerce?

Yes, you can choose a theme and size for product bundles in WooCommerce. There are gird and list themes available with “small, medium and large” sizes. Also, you can change colors of the product bundle.

How do I manage inventory for product bundles in WooCommerce?

To manage inventory for product bundles in WooCommerce, open the product in admin and navigate to the inventory tab. Then enable the Stock management and set the Quantity. Also, the product bundle builder plugin automatically manages the bundle items stock availablability.

Can I offer different variations of a product bundle in WooCommerce?

Yes, you can offer dynamic and flexible product bundles in WooCommerce using the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce.

How do I set up shipping for product bundles in WooCommerce?

You can manage shipping fee in product bundles based on “bundle items” or “whole bundle”. Navigate to the “Product Bundle” tab on product edit page the choose “bundle items” or “whole bundle” for the shipping fee field.

Is there a limit to the number of products I can include in a bundle in WooCommerce?

No, there is not any limit to the number of products that you can include in a bundle.

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Boost Your E-commerce Sales with WooCommerce Product Bundle

Boost Your E-commerce Sales with WooCommerce Product Bundle

WooCommerce Product Bundle is one of the best and most powerful plugins that can help boost your e-commerce sales and revenue by offering a bundle of products at a discounted price compared to buying each product separately and bundling related products. therefore using these features, you can sell multiple products together as a bundle with a discount, encouraging customers to buy more items and increasing their average order value.

Benefits of using WooCommerce Product Bundle

One of the key benefits of using a WooCommerce Product Bundle is that it encourages customers to buy multiple products at once. This can increase your sales revenue, as customers are more likely to take advantage of bundled discounts rather than buying individual products at full price.

Another benefit of using WooCommerce Product Bundle is that it allows you to create custom bundles of products that suit your customers’ needs. also, You can choose which products to include in your bundles, and set the discount level for each bundle, giving you full control over your pricing strategy.

Here we introduce some examples of using WooCommerce Product Bundle to increase your sales:

  1. Offer discounts: To encourage customers to buy, be sure to offer a discount or special price for the bundle. also, You can offer free shipping for bundle purchases.
Boost Your E-commerce Sales with WooCommerce Product Bundle-Offer discounts

2. Cross-Sell Bundles: Put together complementary products that customers often buy together For example, if you sell skin care products, you can create a bundle that includes a moisturizer, serum, and face wash.

Cross-Sell Bundles

3. Seasonal Packages: Create bundles themed around specific seasons or holidays For example, create a back-to-school package that could include a backpack, notebook, pen and pencil, or offer a bundle of Halloween decorations.

Seasonal Packages by WooCommerce product bundle

4. Highlight savings: Firstly, be sure to highlight and display the savings customers can get by purchasing a product bundle. Furthermore, display the original price and the discounted price side by side to show the bundle value.

Highlight savings price of product bundle plugin

5. Gift bundles: Create pre-packaged gift bundles that are ready to be given as gifts For example, make gift bundles for Valentine’s Day.

6. Understand your customers: Before creating product bundles, it is important to know and understand your customers and their needs. Additionally, Analyze customers’ purchase history, search trends and feedback to identify popular products and product combinations.

7. Clearance Bundles: WooCommerce Product Bundles are also a great way to promote new or slow-moving products. By combining these products with more popular items, you can increase their visibility and encourage customers to try them.

8. customer loyalty: By offering bundled discounts, you can show your customers that you value them and are committed to providing them with the best offers possible.

Some other examples that you can create with the Easy WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin to boost sales:

Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce

Overall, WooCommerce Product bundle is a powerful and modern tool with many features that allow you to create and manage products in your online store, helping you sell products more comfortably, effectively and efficiently to increase your income.


To delve deeper into the realm of Product Bundle plugin and their applications, we invite you to explore the array of informative resources we’ve compiled in the list below. These resources promise to expand your understanding and proficiency in leveraging the potential of this plugin to the fullest:

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Create Custom Bundles with Categories in WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin

WooCommerce is a powerful platform for selling products online, but sometimes you need to offer your customers something extra. That’s where custom bundles come in. With the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin, you can create unique packages that combine multiple products into one convenient purchase. And now, with the ability to use categories in your bundles, you can take your product offerings to the next level. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a WooCommerce categories product bundle easily.

Unleash the Power of Custom Bundles

Creating custom bundles is a great way to increase sales and offer your customers more value. With the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin, you can easily combine products into bundles with just a few clicks. This allows you to create unique packages that your customers won’t find anywhere else. And with the ability to use categories, you can even further customize your bundles to fit your customers’ needs.

Boost Your Sales with Custom Bundles in WooCommerce

As an online retailer, you’re always looking for ways to boost sales and increase customer satisfaction. One effective strategy is to offer custom product bundles that allow customers to purchase multiple products at once, often at a discounted price. With the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin, you can easily create custom bundles that will entice your customers and drive more sales to your store.

The Power of WooCommerce Categories Product Bundles

One of the key features of the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin is the ability to add categories to the bundle items. Categories allow you to group related products together, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for and create custom bundles that fit their needs. By using categories in your bundles, you can provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers and increase the likelihood of a sale.

Video Tutorial

How to Create Custom Bundles with Categories in WooCommerce

Creating custom bundles with categories in WooCommerce is a straightforward process. First, you’ll need to install the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin and configure the settings to suit your needs. Next, you can create a product bundle in WooCommerce and add categories for each item. You can set discounts and pricing for each bundle item that makes the bundle attractive to customers and profitable for your business. Follow the below steps to create a product bundle with categories in WooCommerce.

1. Create a Category Product Bunlde in WooCommerce

  • Navigate to WooCommerce “Products”.
  • Click on “Add New” to create a new product.
  • Set a name for the WooCommerce category bundle product.
  • Click on “Set product image” from the right sidebar and select an image for your category bundle product.
  • Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.
  • After selecting “Product bundle” as the product type the “Product Bundles” tab will appear in the product data panel.
  • Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab and click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item.
Create a Category Product Bunlde in WooCommerce

2. Add items to the WooCommerce categories product bundle

  • You can set a “Default Product” for the bundle item by selecting “Use default product” and setting a product to the “Default product” field.
  • In the “Categories” field you can include as many categories as you want. It will load products from the selected categories.
  • If you would like to exclude some of the category products, then you can use the “Exclude products” field and specify products that should be excluded.
  • Use the “Quantity” field to set the default quantity of this item.
  • If the quantity is editable by the user then select “Edit quantity by user” and set the “Min/Max” quantity fields.
  • With the “Discount” field you can set the “Percentage, Price, Fixed Price” discount on the selected product.
Add items to the bundle

If you would like to add more bundle items then you can repeat the step 2 instructions. We repeated the rule and added two items to the bundle. An item for the hoodies category and another for the pants category.

3. WooCommerce Categories product bundle Price

The WooComerce Product Bundle plugin offers two pricing strategies.

  • A fixed price for the whole bundle product
  • Auto calculate the price based on selected products

Fixed Price

If you would like to set a fixed price for the whole bundle product, then check the “Fixed Price” option.

pricing- Set Fixed price

Navigate to the “General” tab and set a regular price for the Product. You can set a Sale price too.

After setting a price, update the product.

Set fixed price

Auto Calculate Price

Auto calculates price helps to set a dynamic price for the product bundle based on selected items for the bundle.

To use the auto-calculate price feature, uncheck the “Fixed Price” option and update the product.

4. Add to Cart Category Product Bundle

After creating and publishing the category product bundle in WooCommerce, navigate to the product page and select a product for each item then add it to the cart.

WooCommerce Category bundle product

Create Unique Product Bundles with Different Categories in WooCommerce

One of the most powerful aspects of the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin is the ability to create unique bundles that include products from different categories. This allows you to offer customers a more personalized shopping experience and increase the likelihood of a sale. For example, you could create a bundle that includes a shirt, pants, and shoes from different categories, and offer a discount on the total price. By offering these types of bundles, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and drive more sales to your store.

If you want to force users to select products from different categories, then you should add an item for each category.

For example, we want to force users to select a hoodie and a pant. We should add 2 items to the bundle.

  • Create a product bundle in WooCommerce.
  • Add two items to the bundle. The number of items can be different based on the number of categories that should be included in the bundle.
  • In the first item, we select the “Hoodie” category.
  • We can set the default quantity, min/max quantity, and a discount for the “Hoodie” item.
  • In the second item, we select the “Pant” category.
  • We can set the default quantity, min/max quantity, and a discount for the “Pant” item.

With this configuration, the user has to select an item for each category that we want.

As you can see in the below image, the user should select a product from the “Hoodie” category and a product from the “Pant” category to complete the product bundle.

Unique WooCommerce categories product bundle

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Product Bundle with Categories in WooCommerce

In conclusion, the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin is a powerful tool for online retailers looking to boost sales and offer a more personalized shopping experience to customers. By using categories in your bundles, you can organize products in a way that makes sense for your customers and create bundles that are both attractive and profitable. Whether you’re just starting with custom bundles or looking to take your existing bundles to the next level, the WooCommerce Product Bundle Plugin is a must-have tool for any online retailer.


To delve deeper into the realm of Product Bundle plugin and their applications, we invite you to explore the array of informative resources we’ve compiled in the list below. These resources promise to expand your understanding and proficiency in leveraging the potential of this plugin to the fullest:

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How to translate WooCommerce product bundle

How to translate WooCommerce product bundle

Translating the WooCommerce product bundle plugin into your own language can have a positive effect on increasing the income of your online store, you can reach customers who may not speak English and are more likely to shop in their native language. This can help you tap into new markets, increase your customer base, make it easier for them to navigate make purchases, cause customer satisfaction and improve your online store’s visibility in search engines by targeting keywords in other languages, As a result, all of this is a competitive advantage that causes the boost sales and revenue your online store. in this article, we show you how to translate WooCommerce product bundle in your local language

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To translate WooCommerce Product Bundles in your local language, follow the below steps :

1. navigate to the path wp-content\plugins\easy-product-bundles-for-woocommerce\languages .

2. In the languages folder >> Copy the desired .json file, that you want to translate to your local language.

How to translate WooCommerce plugin-increasing the income of your online store with translate plugin

3. Go to the path wp-content\languages\plugins and paste the copied .json file.

4. Now open copied .json file >> in the section { “lang”:” en” } set your local language For example, we set the Italian language {“lang”: “it_IT”}, then translate the desired texts, for example : ( Please select a product!”: [“Seleziona un prodotto!”]).

5. Finally, save the changes.

6. Now add the name of the local language to the file name, for example: ( asnp-easy-product-bundles-it_IT-4af700c81be890167c0d110a553c760f.json ).

how to translate product bundles plugin-woocommerce product bundles plugin-increase sale with translate plugin-translate plugin positive effects

7. Navigate to Settings >> General on your WordPress website.

8. Click on the “Site Language” field and Select the local language you have translated the plugin into.

9. And finally, click on “save changes”.

woocommerce plugin translate-how to translate plugin

Now you can see that the WooCommerce product bundles plugin has been translated into your local language.

How to translate pot file

To translate “asnp-easy-product-bundles.pot” file to your local language read Translation pot file article for more information.

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How to Create Bundle Discounts in WooCommerce? (2024 Tutorial)

How to create bundle discounts in WooCommerce?

Discover the power of bundle discounts in WooCommerce, which allows you to entice customers with exclusive pricing on grouped products or sets. With bundle discounts, you can create irresistible offers like “Any 4 t-shirts for 120$”. By implementing these attractive deals, you can boost sales and enhance your overall sales strategy. Read on to learn how to create bundle discounts in WooCommerce and start maximizing your revenue today.

What is a WooCommerce bundle discount?

If you’re looking to create bundled product offerings and offer them at a discounted price compared to their original prices, WooCommerce bundle discounts are the solution you need. With this powerful feature, you can easily apply discounts to a curated group of products, effectively creating attractive bundles for your customers. By leveraging WooCommerce product bundles, you can effortlessly run promotions and marketing campaigns centered around product groups, opening up exciting opportunities to boost your store’s revenue and customer engagement.

To create WooCommerce bundle discounts easily, we recommend you to use the Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin. The Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce help you to create simple to advanced discounts easily. By using the WooCommerce bundle product plugin you can create amazing discounts for your bundles easily.

What is a grouped product in WooCommerce?

Grouped products are a valuable feature included in the core functionality of WooCommerce. They provide a seamless way for customers to add multiple similar products to their shopping cart all at once. By utilizing grouped products, you can enhance the shopping experience and streamline the purchasing process for your customers. To learn more about how to add and manage grouped products, refer to the comprehensive WooCommerce documentation.

What is Mix and Match products in WooCommerce?

A Mix and Match products for WooCommerce is a strategy that allows customers to create a custom bundle from products in your store that will be available with a discount.

For example, any 4 t-shirts from the t-shirts category for 100$, then the customer can build a custom bundle from the t-shirt category which has 4 items, and will get them for 100$. Or, any 3 products from the Hoodie category with a 30% discount.

Why use a WooCommerce bundle discount?

WooCommerce bundle discounts offer numerous benefits for your store, boosting both your profits and revenue. Here are some compelling reasons to utilize WooCommerce bundle discounts:


  1. Strategic Product Bundling: With WooCommerce bundle discounts, you can pair lesser-known products with your best sellers and sell them together as a bundled package. This strategic approach enables you to showcase lesser-known items and increase their visibility while leveraging the popularity of your best sellers to drive sales.
  2. Profit Maximization: Implementing bundle discounts can significantly impact your profits. By offering a bundled price that is lower than the sum of the individual product prices, you create an attractive value proposition for customers. This incentivizes them to purchase the bundle, resulting in increased order values and higher profitability for your store.
  3. Inventory Clearance: WooCommerce bundle discounts provide an effective solution for clearing out excess inventory. By bundling slow-moving or surplus items with popular products, you can encourage customers to purchase the bundle, ultimately reducing inventory levels and freeing up valuable storage space.
  4. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Bundling products at a discounted price not only benefits your store but also enhances the overall shopping experience for customers. They can enjoy the convenience of purchasing complementary items together while saving money. This positive customer experience can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Utilizing WooCommerce bundle discounts sets your store apart from the competition. By offering unique bundled packages at attractive prices, you can stand out in the market and attract customers who are seeking value and convenience. This competitive advantage can help you capture a larger share of the market and drive sustainable growth.

By leveraging WooCommerce bundle discounts, you can tap into new sales opportunities, increase profits, clear out inventory, and provide exceptional value to your customers. Embrace this powerful pricing strategy to elevate your store’s success and stay ahead in the dynamic world of ecommerce.

Creating a bundle discounts in WooCommerce

In this article, we will dive deep into bundle discounts in WooCommerce and will learn more about them.

To create bundle discounts in WooCommerce we will use the Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin.

In this article, we will create the below variations of bundle discounts in WooCommerce

  • Storewide bundle discounts e.g: Buy any 4 products for 100$
  • Category based bundle discounts e.g: Buy 2 products from category A or B for 50$
  • Product-specific bundle discounts e.g: Any 3 quantity of product A or product B for 60$
  • Different products bundle discounts or combination of products e.g: Buy 2 of product A and 2 of product B for 40$

Video Tutorial

Creating Storewide bundle discounts in WooCommerce

If you want to offer discounts like any 4 products in the store for 100$ then you can use a storewide bundle discount rule. When a customer buys 4 quantities of the same product or different products then he will get them all for a 100$.

To create a storewide bundle discounts in WooCommerce go to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a new pricing rule like the below image.

Create a WooCommerce Pricing Rule
Create WooCommerce Pricing Rule

Now create a pricing rule like the below image. By using this rule customer will get any 4 products for 100$.

storewide bundle discount rule in WooCommerce
storewide bundle discount rule in WooCommerce

In the above rule, we set the “Adjustment type” to the “Fixed price per group” and then set the “Adjustment” value to “100”, so if there is a group of 4 items their price will be 100$. There are other “Adjustment type” values and you can use them based on your requirements.

Now, if you add at least 4 items to the cart from your store, then a WooCommerce product bundle discount will apply on them like the below image.

How to Create Bundle Discounts in WooCommerce?
Product bundle discounts in WooCommerce

As you can see in the above image, there are 4 items in the cart then the cart subtotal will be 100$ because a WooCommerce product bundle discount is applied to the cart.

Creating category based bundle discounts in WooCommerce

Category based bundle discounts in WooCommerce helps customers to create custom bundles in a category to get them with a discount. This strategy can help you to increase a specific category sales.

In this section of the article we will create a bundle discount for categories in WooCommerce. The bundle contains two products from category A or B for 50$.

To create a category-based bundle discount in WooCommerce, go to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a new pricing rule like the below image.

Category bundle price rule in WooCommerce
Category bundle price rule in WooCommerce

If customer adds 2 items from category A or B then a bundle will be created and its price will be 50$.

Category based bundle discount in WooCommerce
Category based bundle discount in WooCommerce

In the above image, because there are 2 quantities from category “t-shirts” and “hoodies” then the bundle price set to 50$.

Category bundle discount in WooCommerce
Category bundle discount in WooCommerce

In the above image, because there are 2 items from the “t-shirts” category in the cart, then bundle created and its price set to 50$.

If you would like to create a bundle based on different categories, you can use a rule like the below image. In this rule customer should have at least 1 product from category A and 1 product from category B to create a product bundle in WooCommerce.

Bundle of different categories rule in WooCommerce
Bundle of different categories rule in WooCommerce

When a customer has at least 1 quantity of “t-shirts” category and 1 quantity of “hoodies” category in the cart, then a bundle will be created.

Different categories bundle in WooComerce
Different categories bundle in WooComerce

Creating product specific bundle discounts in WooCommerce

Product specific bundle discounts in WooCommerce helps you to sell less know products with best seller products.

We will create a rule to sell 3 items from product A or product B for 15$. When a customer purchases 3 quantities from product A or product B or a combination of them, then the bundle price will be 60$.

To create a product-specific bundle discount in WooCommerce, navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and add a pricing rule like the below image.

Product specific bundle discount rule
Product specific bundle discount rule

Now if a customer adds 3 items from the “Polo” or “Cap” or combination of them to the cart, then bundle price will be 60$.

Bundle discount for combination of products
Bundle discount for combination of products

Creating different products bundle discount in WooCommerce

If you would like to create a bundle that have different products in it, and customer should buy those products to create a bundle then you need a different products bundle discount in WooCommerce.

Create different products bundle discount in WooCommerce by navigating to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing tab and adding a new pricing rule like the below image.

Different products bundle discount rule
Different products bundle discount rule

Now if the customer has 2 quantities of “Polo” product and 2 quantities of the “Cap” product in the cart then, a product bundle in WooCommerce created and price will be set to 100$.

Product bundle price in WooCommerce
Product bundle price in WooCommerce

How do I add a bundle discount in WooCommerce?

Offering customers the ability to create customized product bundles with attractive discounts has emerged as a highly effective strategy for boosting sales and increasing customer satisfaction. By providing the option for shoppers to curate their own bundles, tailored to their unique preferences, you tap into their desire for personalization and create a more engaging shopping experience.

The concept is simple yet compelling: customers can select multiple products from your inventory and combine them into a bundle, all while enjoying a discounted price. This approach not only incentivizes customers to purchase more items but also empowers them to feel a sense of ownership over their buying decisions. By granting them the freedom to mix and match products according to their preferences, you create a sense of exclusivity and cater to their individual tastes.

To create dynamic bundles, we will use the WooCommerce Product Bundle Builder plugin, which is a professional tool to create a product bundle with a discount in WooCommerce.

1: Install product bundle plugin

  1. Purchase the plugin and download the zip file from your account.
  2. To begin the installation and activation process, access your WordPress admin dashboard and sign in. Once signed in, navigate to the “Plugins” tab and click on “Add New” From there, locate and click on the “Upload Plugin” button to proceed.
  3. After selecting the “Upload Plugin” button, you will be prompted to choose the plugin ZIP file that you have recently downloaded. Simply locate the file on your computer and click on it. Next, click on the “Install Now” button to initiate the installation process. Once the installation is complete, click on the “Activate” button to activate the plugin and start using it.

2: Create a product bundle

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce Products >> Add New to create a new product.
  2. Set a name for the bundle product, for instance, “Mobile Bundle”.
  3. Click on “Add Media” and select an image for your product bundle.
  4. Now navigate to the Product data panel, and select “Product bundle” as the product type.

3: Set a discount for the product bundle

  1. In the “General” tab, you can set a “Regular price” and “Sale price” of the bundle product.
  2. Navigate to the “Product Bundles” tab .
  3. Enable the “Fixed price” field to use the prices that you set in the “General” tab as the product bundle price.
WooCommerce product prices tab
Woo product bundle fixed price offer

4: Add product bundle items

  1. Click on the “Add Bundle” button to add a new bundle item to the product bundle.
  2. Inside the item, use the “Default Product” field and set a default product for the item.
  3. Use “Products“, “Categories“, or “tags” fields to list more products for this item. Users will be able to select a product from a list of products.
  4. You can use the “Discount” field to set a discount for this item.
  5. Repeat the above steps, to add more items to the bundle.
  6. Publish the product.
Woo product bundle item config

5. Final Result

You have created a product bundle discount in WooCommerce successfully.

Refer to the product page, to see the bundle with a discount like the below image.

Woo product bundle

WooCommerce Products Bundles FAQ

What is WooCommerce Product Bundles?

WooCommerce product bundles, which are instrumental tools or rules, allow you to create groups of products and sell them together, leading to increased sales and revenue. By utilizing this feature, you can strategically combine related products into enticing bundles, leveraging the power of convenience and value to entice customers.

What is product bundle pricing?

Product bundle pricing is bundling products or services in a single package and sell them at a discounted price. While it decreases the prices, but it can help to bring more sales and increase your revenue.

How do you do product bundling?

There are some strategies for product bundling in WooCommerce, like bundling different products together, bundling different categories products and etc. Bundles work well when you combine products that are often purchased together.

How to offer bundle discounts in WooCommerce?

Install the Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin and then navigate to the Woo Pricing & Discounts >> Pricing to create a bundle discount rule based on products, categories, often purchased products and etc.

How to Mix and Match products in WooCommerce?

A Mix and Match products for WooCommerce is a strategy that allows customers to create a custom bundle from products in your store that will be available with a discount. You can use the Discount Rules and Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce plugin to create Mix and Match products in WooCommerce.

Can you bundle products on WooCommerce?

Absolutely! With WooCommerce, you have the ability to create bundled products effortlessly. By installing the Product Bundle Builder for WooCommerce plugin, you can easily create simple to advanced bundles. What’s more, you can empower your customers to personalize their own product bundles, adding a unique touch to their shopping experience. Explore the flexibility and creativity of bundled products with WooCommerce today.